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Severin Engelmann
Severin Engelmann

Cornell Tech

When (ET)


A Governance Model for AI Inferences


Coming soon!


Severin Engelmann uses conceptual, qualitative, and quantitative methods to understand how different groups reason about AI prediction, classification, and inference across digital socio-technical systems. He publishes in cross-disciplinary Computer Science conferences such as Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT) and Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society (AIES). His work has been covered by media outlets such as TechCrunch.

Prior to his Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the Digital Life Initiative at Cornell Tech, Engelmann completed my Ph.D. at the School of Computation, Information and Technology at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). Here, he designed, developed, and taught courses in AI Ethics at the Computer Science Department. Engelmann has done research visits at the School of Information at UC Berkeley and the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods.

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